
Game Writer.

Narrative Designer.


Hello! I’m Sagar Beroshi.

I live in London. I write and do narrative design for games!


With Interior Night, I’ve recently launched As Dusk Falls, a story-centric, cinematically lush game with a unique art style, where every frame is quite literally a painting.

Now I’m available to help with any sort of narrative challenges you might have.

Want someone to consult on your story project, comment on a script, contribute to narrative structure, or advise on production implications? Let’s talk! Contact me at

Photo credit to Petar Kormushev and the Robot Intelligence Lab. From the Imperial Festival in Spring 2018, sharing the fun of robotics to visiting families.

Photo credit to Petar Kormushev and the Robot Intelligence Lab. From the Imperial Festival in Spring 2018, sharing the fun of robotics to visiting families.


I haven’t always worked on video games, though! I have been lucky to have had an eclectic life and career, including experiences as widespread as: